Rainy November, stay indoor weather, made a picture wall in my bedroom today... I love all of the drawings and paintings so very much and one of them is this 30´s fashion drawing.
Last night i was up making some baskets made out of crochet table cloths, its nice to make new things out of old and keep the beautiful work that someone put so much time and love into... Elisabeth one is yours to keep.
Made a new cake stand today who i call england meets china. The lower plate is a china plate with flowers and beautiful peacocks, the plate above is english with peonys, butterflies and birds.
I made a new cake stand today, happy, listening to Tingsek. The only thing missing was a glass of red wine. Think i am going to make another one tonight if i cant sleep. A tiny one for my daughters dolls...
I couldn´t find Elvis this morning, but after an hour i found silly one in my daughters room. I love lamps, i collect them, bought this funny one on ebay Yeay!